Bylaws and Code of Ethics

1. Name and Address

Whereas subsequent to the programme in translation offered under the auspices of the Translation Service of Alberta Culture in 1978-1979, and in full recognition of the growing demand for qualified translators in Alberta; and, furthermore, with a view to promoting the profession of translation in Alberta, it was decided on June 16, 1979 to form an association called the Alberta Association of Translators (AAT), hereinafter referred to as the Association, and Whereas the name of the Association was changed to the Alberta Association of Translators and Interpreters (AATI) at the 6th Annual General Meeting, held on September 8th, 1984 Now therefore the name of the Association shall be the Association of Translators and Interpreters of Alberta / Association des traducteurs et interprètes de l'Alberta (ATIA), as approved at the Regular General Meeting held on February 25th, 1989.
The official address of the Association is as follows: Association of Translators and Interpreters of Alberta /Association des traducteurs et interprètes de l'Alberta
P.O. Box 546, Main Post Office Edmonton, Alberta T5J 2K8
Telephone: 780-434-8384 (Edmonton), or for use outside the Edmonton area: 1-888-434-ATIA

2. Categories of Membership

Only Certified Members of the Association may use the following terms on business cards, letterhead, professional advertising in general, or on publications of which they are the author or translator, or on any other documents:
  • "Certified Member",
  • "Member",
  • “Member of the Canadian Translators, Terminologists and Interpreters Council (by Affiliation)”, and its abbreviated form: ”Member of CTTIC (by Affiliation)”,
and its abbreviated form
Certified Translator C. Tran
Certified Community Interpreter C. Com. Int
Certified Medical Interpreter C. Med. Int
Certified Conference Interpreter C. Conf. Int
Certified Court Interpreter C. Crt. Int
Certified Terminologist C. Term
They may not use the expression “Certified by CTTIC”, or “Certified Member of CTTIC” or any similar wording suggesting that CTTIC is the certifying body.
The terms "Member", "Certified Member", and other titles a Certified Member may use according to Clause 2.1 above, and the term "Associate Member" pertain only to the individual concerned, and shall not be applied to any company or corporation or to the employer of an individual Certified or Associate Member.
2.3.1 Any translator who successfully completed the programme in translation offered under the auspices of the Translation Service of Alberta Culture in 1978-1979, or any instructor who taught one of the language courses constituting the programme, is considered a Founding Member of the Association, provided he has been a member in good standing since that time. 2.3.2 A Founding Member in good standing is deemed to be a Certified Member.
2.4.1 In the case of translators, terminologists, or other groups as may be designated by the Council, any person who has satisfied the examination requirements or the portfolio requirements as set out by the Association or is a Certified Member in good standing of another association recognized by the CTTIC, is eligible for admission to the Association as a Certified Member. 2.4.2 In the case of Conference (simultaneous or consecutive) Interpreters, any person who has passed the appropriate interpretation examination set by the CTTIC, or is recognized as a simultaneous or consecutive interpreter by the Federal Government Translation Bureau, or by the L’association internationale des interprètes de conference (AIIC), or another body acceptable to the Association, or is a Certified Member (Conference Interpreter) in good standing of another association recognized by the CTTIC, is eligible for admission to the Association as a Certified Member. The applicant must also prove that he has worked at least 200 days as a conference interpreter, or in the case of conference interpretation between languages other than French and English, at least 50 days. 2.4.3 In the case of court interpreters, community interpreters, and medical interpreters, any person who has passed the examination set by the CTTIC or met the requirements as set out by the Association, or is a Certified Member in good standing of another association recognized by the CTTIC, is eligible for admission to the Association as a Certified Member. 2.4.4 Only Certified Members in good standing shall be eligible to hold office in the Association. Only one member of Council may reside outside of the province of Alberta. 2.4.5 To maintain their status as members in good standing with the Association, all Certified members must undertake professional development activities. Professional Development (PD) points are to be claimed upon completion of the professional development activities. Professional Development activities and Professional Development points shall be established and reviewed from time to time by the Council or by a Committee appointed by the Council to act on its behalf. Certified members are responsible for documenting their completed activities every two years, using the appropriate form and sending it to the Association's office by the date indicated on the form.
2.5.1 Associate Members are admitted in the following categories:
  • Associate Translator
  • Associate Court Interpreter
  • Associate Medical Interpreter
  • Associate Community Interpreter
2.5.2 In order to be eligible for admission as an Associate Member as a translator, the applicant shall pass an admission examination set by the Association. The Council shall determine, on the basis of the availability of appropriate resources for each examination period, the language combinations in which the admission examinations may be held. 2.5.3 In order to be eligible for admission as an Associate Member as a court interpreter, community interpreter, or medical interpreter the applicant shall meet the eligibility requirements set by the Association. 2.5.4 An Associate Member is to be considered a future professional who requires further experience and training. An Associate Member has no voting privileges and may not stand for office in the Association. 2.5.5 In order to become a Certified Member of the Association, an Associate Member must satisfy the CTTIC examination requirements. If an Associate Member was admitted before October 3, 1998, he had to satisfy these requirements within five years of being admitted to the Association. If an Associate Member was admitted after October 3, 1998, he must satisfy these requirements within six years of being admitted. Failing this, he will be struck from the roll unless the Council decides otherwise.
2.6.1 Any person may be nominated by two or more Certified Members for the status of Honorary Member. Written notice of the intention to present such a nomination shall be given to the Secretary at least 60 days in advance of a general meeting of the Association. Such nomination should be made to recognize the outstanding contribution to translation or interpretation of the individual nominated. 2.6.2 A vote of 75% of the members present or represented by proxy at a properly constituted meeting of the Association shall be required for approval of the appointment of an individual as an Honorary Member.
The Association reserves the right to add or delete categories of membership as it sees fit, by way of amendment to these By-laws.

3. Terms of Admission

The Association shall admit any person who: 3.1 Meets the requirements applicable to the category of membership for which he has applied (see Article 2), and 3.2 Agrees to abide by these By-laws, the Code of Ethics (in its current version) and Membership Contract as set out in Schedule A hereto and all other rules and regulations of the Association, and 3.3 Has paid the requisite membership dues pursuant to Article 4 hereof, and 3.4 Has submitted an application in writing.

4. Membership Dues

4.1 The Council shall set the annual membership dues for each category of membership one year in advance. All membership dues are subject to approval at the Annual General Meeting. 4.2 All membership dues shall be paid in full to the Treasurer prior to the Annual General Meeting. 4.3 If payment of the annual membership dues has not been received in full by the Treasurer by the date due, membership in the Association, and all rights, privileges and powers pertaining hereto shall be suspended. Reinstatement shall be conditional on payment of all arrears, such as penalties as may be assessed by the Council, and bank charges if applicable.

5. Membership Cards

5.1 Membership cards shall be issued each year to all Certified Members in good standing. 5.2 The form and content of membership cards shall be determined by the Council. 5.3 Only a current membership card bearing the seal of the Association is valid evidence of membership in the Association. 5.4 Any person who withdraws from the Association or ceases to be a member for any other cause shall return his membership card.

6. Stamps

6.1 The Association may choose to issue stamps to Certified Members upon request. The issuing of such stamps shall be subject to regulations, fees, and/or security bonds to be determined, set and reviewed by Council from time to time. 6.2 Any translator who chooses to use a stamp to certify translations under the member's designation as a Certified Member of ATIA shall use the stamp provided by the Association.

7. Withdrawal and Expulsion

7.1.1 Any member or Associate Member who wishes to withdraw from the Association shall give written notice of his intention to do so to the Secretary of the Association. 7.1.2 Any former member who wishes to re-apply for membership within three years of withdrawal may do so by a notice in writing to the Secretary of the Association. Notwithstanding Article 3 hereof, any former member who wishes to re-apply for membership after three years shall be required to take the appropriate examination. In either case, a re-admission fee determined by the Council shall be added to the membership dues for the first year. 7.1.3 An Associate Member who has withdrawn or whose name has been struck from the roll who wishes to be reinstated must again pass the admission examination set by the Association.
7.2.1 Any member or Associate Member may be expelled from the Association by a vote of 75% of voting members in good standing, for violation of the Code of Ethics or for other conduct detrimental to the Association. 7.2.2 Notice of intent to expel a member or Associate Member and ballots stating the reasons for the intended expulsion shall be sent to all members eligible to vote, thirty days prior to the general meeting at which the motion to expel the member will be presented. For this purpose no proxies will be allowed, but completed ballots may be mailed to the Secretary.

8. The Council

8.1 The Council shall administer the affairs of the Association in keeping with these By-Laws, the Societies Act of Alberta and other rules and regulations of the Association, and shall in all respects act as the Board of Directors of the Association. 8.2 Meetings of the Council shall be held as required, but at least four times a year, and shall be called by the President. Any two Council members may request that the President call a special meeting. The request shall be in writing and shall state the business to be brought before the meeting. The special meeting shall be called by the President upon receipt of the request. 8.3 Council members shall receive ten days’ notice of Council meetings if the notice is delivered in the mail, and three days’ notice if delivered by telephone, electronic mail or any other acceptable means of communication. Meetings may be held without notice provided that all of the members of Council are present or that the business transacted at such meeting shall be ratified at the next regularly called meeting of the Council, otherwise such meetings shall be null and void. 8.4 Each Council member shall be entitled to one vote at meetings. In the event of a tie vote, the chairman of the meeting may cast a second deciding vote. 8.5 Council meetings may be conducted in person or by way of teleconference or similar method that allows members immediate participation in the meeting. 8.6 A resolution in writing signed by all the members of the council is as valid as if it had been passed at a meeting of the Council. 8.7 The Council of the Association shall consist of the Past President, a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer and a Secretary. The offices of Secretary and Treasurer may be filled by one person, if so decided at an Annual General Meeting. The outgoing President shall sit on the Council as Past President for a period of only one year. 8.8 Any three Council members shall constitute a quorum for any meeting of the Council. 8.9 A member of the Council who is unable to attend three sequential meetings may, at the option of the Council, be considered disqualified, and if so disqualified, may no longer act as a member of the Council. If the office of a Vice-President, Secretary or Treasurer, but not the President, becomes vacant during the year, either as a result of death, resignation, disqualification or otherwise, it may be filled by the unanimous vote of the remaining members of the Council at a meeting. Notwithstanding clause 8.10 below, a member filling such vacancy shall remain in office only until the next Annual General Meeting of the Association. 8.10 The President and Vice-Presidents shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Association for a period of two years and the other Council members for one year.
8.11.1 The President shall be ex officio a member of all committees. He shall represent the Association whenever it is deemed necessary, either on his own initiative or as instructed by a majority of members at a general meeting, and shall be responsible to the membership for the administration of the affairs of the Association. 8.11.2 He shall normally preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Council. In his absence, one of the Vice-Presidents, as assigned by the President, shall preside at the meeting. In the absence of the President and the Vice-Presidents, the voting members in good standing present at the meeting may elect a chairman. 8.11.3 The President or, in his absence, his delegated representative shall represent the Association at meetings of the CTTIC. 8.11.4 Of the two Vice-Presidents, one shall represent southern Alberta and one northern Alberta, whenever possible.
8.12.1 It shall be the duty of the Secretary to prepare the Agenda in consultation with the President, distribute the Agenda, attend all meetings of the Association and of the Council, and keep accurate minutes of same. He shall have charge of the seal of the Association, which seal, whenever used, shall normally be authenticated by the signature of the Secretary and the President. If either is unable to act, the second signature may be that of another Council member. If the Secretary is unable to act, his duties shall be discharged by another officer, who shall be appointed by the Council. 8.12.2 The Secretary shall have charge of all the correspondence of the Association and shall follow the directions given to him by the President and the Council. He shall be responsible for filing the Annual Return and other documents of the Association pursuant to the Societies Act of Alberta. 8.12.3 The Secretary shall also keep a record of all the members of the Association and their addresses and send notices of meetings as required.
8.13.1 The Treasurer shall receive all monies paid to the Association and shall be responsible for the deposit of same in whatever bank the Council may order. He shall properly account for the funds of the Association and keep such books as may be directed. 8.13.2 He shall present a full, detailed account of receipts and disbursements to the Council whenever requested and shall prepare for submission to the Annual General Meeting a statement duly audited, as set forth elsewhere, of the financial position of the Association and submit a copy of same to the Secretary for the records of the Association.

9. Examinations

9.1 The Council shall appoint an Examinations Coordinator in accordance with the guidelines established by the Council or other examining body. The Examination Coordinator shall:
9.1.1 Coordinate and keep records of all examinations set or administered by the Association and report the results of these examinations;
9.1.2 Inform all candidates of the date, time and place of writing of these examinations, and the fees to be levied in each case;
9.1.3 Appoint qualified individuals from within the Association, or from outside the Association if necessary, to select and mark the examinations set by the Association, or to supervise examinations set or administered by the Association.
9.2 The Examinations Coordinator shall provide the Council with full and detailed reports of his actions.
9.3 The Examinations Coordinator may represent the Association at the fall meeting of the CTTIC Board of Examiners or appoint an alternate to attend on his behalf, subject to the Council's approval.

10. Audit of Accounts

The Treasurer shall prepare or cause a professional bookkeeper to prepare complete and proper statements of the books of accounts of the Association for the fiscal year for presentation at the Annual General Meeting. Such books of accounts shall be audited at least once each year at the end of the fiscal year by:
  • a duly qualified accountant, preparing a review engagement, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles; or by
  • two Certified Members of the Association (“Members Audit”),
  • appointed for that purpose at the previous Annual General Meeting.
The Members Audit shall consist of an in-depth review of the books of accounts, and shall be performed with the due diligence and care that normally prudent persons would exercise to ensure that the books of accounts are free of material errors or omissions. Should the qualified accountant or one or both of the two appointed member auditors become unavailable or unwilling to complete the audit within the time frame as specified at the Annual General Meeting, the Council may appoint another qualified accountant or member(s) to perform the audit. The fiscal year of the Association shall begin on September 1st and end on August 31st of each year.
The books and records of the Association may be inspected by any member of the Association at the Annual General Meeting or at any other time upon giving reasonable notice and arranging a time satisfactory to the officer or officers having charge of same. Each member of the Council shall at all times have access to the books and records.

11. Meeting and Voting Rights

11.1.1 The Association shall hold an Annual General Meeting on the third Saturday of October of each year, due notice of which shall be given to all members. At this meeting elections shall be held to replace those Council members whose term of office has expired, consideration shall be given to the financial statements and the appointment of auditors, and such other business may be transacted as may properly be brought before the meeting. 11.1.2 Annual General Meetings of the Association may be called at any time by the President, or by the Secretary acting on the instructions of the President. Written notice of each meeting shall be forwarded by mail, electronic mail or any other acceptable means of communication to the last known address of each member at least twenty days prior to the meeting. 11.1.3 A special meeting shall be called by the President, or by the Secretary acting on the instructions of the President, for the purpose of discussing any special matter that may arise, or upon receipt by him of a written request from at least one-third of the voting members in good standing stating the reasons for calling the meeting. Written notice of a special meeting shall include the reasons for the meeting, shall state the text of any special resolution, if any, to be submitted to the meeting and shall be forwarded by mail, electronic mail or any other acceptable means of communication to the last known address of each member at least ten days prior to the meeting. 11.1.4 Twelve voting members in good standing shall constitute a quorum at any annual or special meeting. Written proxies, as provided for in Art 11.3.1, shall count toward the quorum. 11.1.5 If a quorum is not achieved at a meeting, the Council may determine the date for another meeting, and shall inform all members of the new date. No other business may be transacted at that meeting. At the time of the second meeting, the members present or represented by proxy shall constitute a quorum. 11.1.6 A resolution in writing signed by all the members entitled to vote on that resolution at a general meeting of the members is as valid as if it had been passed at a general meeting of the Association.
11.2.1 Each Founding and Certified Member in good standing shall have the right to one vote at any meeting of the Association, in person or by proxy. Votes made in person shall be by a show of hands. Proxies shall be in writing, in the form prescribed by the Council, and may be submitted to the Secretary at any time prior to commencement of the meeting. All questions proposed for consideration shall be determined by the majority of the votes duly cast, unless otherwise stipulated in the Societies Act of Alberta or in these By-laws. A declaration by the Chairman of the meeting that the question has been carried, carried by a particular majority or not carried and an entry to that effect in the minutes of the meeting shall be prima facie evidence of such fact without proof of the number or proportion of the votes recorded in favour of or against any resolution or other proceedings in respect of the said question. The results of the vote so taken shall be the decision of the voting members upon the question. The Chairman of the meeting and any member entitled to vote thereat may require or demand a ballot upon any question, whether or not a show of hands has been taken thereon, but such requirement or demand may be withdrawn at any time prior to taking the ballot. The ballot shall be taken in such manner as the Chairman of the meeting shall direct. On a ballot, each member who is present of represented by proxy shall be entitled to one vote. The result of the ballot so taken shall be the decision of the voting upon the said question.
11.3.1 Every member entitled to vote at meetings may, by instrument in writing, appoint another member of the Association as a proxy to attend and act at the meeting in the same manner, and to the same extend and with the same power as if the member were present at the meeting. The proxy shall cease to be valid after the meeting or upon cancellation by the appointer. The proxy may be in such form as the Council may from time to time prescribe, and may be deposited with the Secretary any time prior to the commencement of the meeting.

12. Remuneration for Services

12.1 No officer or member of the Association shall receive any remuneration for his services, unless the general membership has authorized such remuneration at a duly constituted meeting. Notice of the intent to authorize such remuneration shall be included in the notice of the meeting.

13. Exercise of Borrowing Powers

13.1 For the purpose of carrying out its objects, the Association may borrow or raise or secure the payment of money in such manner as it thinks fit, but the exercise of such a power shall be subject, in each case, to prior approval by the general membership at a duly constituted meeting.

14. By-Laws

14.1 The By-Laws may be rescinded, or amended, or expanded by a "Special Resolution" passed by a majority of at least three-fourths of all voting members present in person or by proxy at a general meeting of the Association. Written notice of such resolution, including the wording of the proposed changes, shall be forwarded by mail, electronic mail or any other acceptable means of communication to all members at least twenty-one days prior to the meeting. 14.2 If a French version of the By-Laws is prepared and a dispute arises with respect to the interpretation of the By-Laws, the English version shall take precedence over the French version. The Code of Ethics attached hereto as Schedule A and Schedule B shall be considered a component of these By-laws.

Code of Ethics


This Code shall be effective from the date of its adoption by the Membership at a General Meeting (as defined in ATIA’s By-Laws) and shall supersede all previous versions.

All of the definitions in the ATIA’s By-Laws apply to this Code of Ethics.

1. Definitions

Associate Member(s) - shall mean a member of the ATIA who has met the requirements set out in section 2.5 of the ATIA's By-Laws.
Association or ATIA - shall mean the Association of Translators and Interpreters of Alberta.
Certified Member(s) - shall mean a member of the ATIA who has met the requirements set out in section 2.4 of the ATIA's By-Laws.
Council - The Council of the Association consists of the Past President, the President, two Vice Presidents, the Treasurer and the Secretary, as elected at the Annual General Meeting.
Interpretation - the transfer of the spoken word from one language to another in such a way as to render faithfully in the target language the message of the source language.
Member(s) - for purposes of the Code only, unless otherwise stated, shall mean translators, terminologists, conference interpreters, court interpreters, community interpreters, and medical interpreters whether certified or associate.
Terminology - the systematic study of the labeling or designating of concepts particular to one or more subject fields, through research and analysis of terms in context, for the purpose of documenting and promoting correct usage.
Translation - the transfer of the written word from one language to another in such a way as to render faithfully in the target language the message of the source language.

Professional Conduct Required of ATIA Members

2. Professional Conduct

2.1 Members shall fully recognize that all work undertaken by them on an individual basis will ultimately reflect upon the integrity of the Association. Members shall, to the best of their ability, support the Association and other organizations representing their profession.
2.2 Members shall share their knowledge with their colleagues in a spirit of mutual assistance.
2.3 Members shall assist and encourage beginners in the profession.
2.4 Members shall not abuse the good faith of other Members or be guilty of a breach of trust or unfair tactics in respect of another Member, including but not limited to:
  • (a) a Member taking credit for work performed by another Member; and
  • (b) a Member making malicious, false and injurious statements about another Member.
2.5 Members shall refrain from any unfair competition with their colleagues, including but not limited to:
  • (a) a Member engaging in comparative advertising; and
  • (b) a Member willfully undercutting the fees charged by another Member for the same mandate.

3. Skills and Qualifications

3.1 Members shall not claim any skills or qualifications that they do not possess, and shall accept work only in fields in which they are competent.
3.2 Before providing a professional service, Members shall take into account the limitations of their abilities, knowledge and the means at their disposal. Specifically, they shall not undertake work for which they are not sufficiently prepared, without obtaining the necessary assistance or information.
3.3 Members are urged to translate into their mother tongue only or into their language of habitual use, as the case may be, unless special circumstances apply, such as particular knowledge of the Terminology of a specialized field, in which case they shall endeavour to have their work revised by a Member certified in the relevant language combination.
3.4 Members shall keep up to date with new techniques, specialized Terminology in areas of their choice, and current usage.

4. Integrity and Confidentiality

4.1 Members shall conduct their professional activities with integrity, fully respecting the rights and interests of their client or employer and the confidentiality of all information obtained.
4.2 Members may be released from this obligation only with their client's authorization or when so ordered by law.
4.3 Members shall promptly inform their client of any error committed in the execution of their mandate that is liable to be detrimental to the client.
4.4 Members shall refrain from actions that are unnecessary or disproportionate to the needs of their client.
4.5 Members shall take reasonable care of property entrusted to them by a client and may not lend such property or use it for purposes other than those for which it was entrusted to them.
4.6 Members shall avoid indiscreet conversations about a client or the service rendered to a client and shall not make use of confidential information to the detriment of a client or with a view to obtaining, directly or indirectly, a benefit for themselves or another person.
4.7 Members shall ensure that their staff and associates do not divulge confidential information obtained in the performance of their duties.

5. Objectivity

Members shall remain neutral, impartial and objective, and scrupulously refrain from altering or interpreting material for political, religious, moral or philosophical reasons, or any other biased or subjective considerations.

6. Faithfulness

Every translation shall be faithful to and render exactly the message of the source text - this being both a moral and legal obligation for the translator. (A faithful translation, however, should not be confused with a literal translation. The fidelity of a translation does not exclude an adaptation to make the form, the mood and deeper meaning of the work felt in another language and culture.

7. Guarantee of Quality and Presentation

Members shall ensure that their work will be of a high quality and, in the case of translations, shall be neatly presented and free from typing errors. Where feasible and appropriate, the format of the translated (target) language document shall reflect the format of the source document.

8. Copyright

Where applicable, Members shall respect all copyrights or other rights vested in the author of the source text.

9. Application to Other Members of the Profession

The Code of Ethics shall apply to members of the profession who are acting as revisers, editors and précis writers. In the case of conference interpreters who are Members of the Association, they shall abide by the rules of the AIIC, Canada Region.

Conduct Required of Members in Association with Clients

10. Responsibilities to Clients

10.1 Members shall at all times acknowledge a client's right to consult a colleague, a member of another association or any other competent person.
10.2 Members shall endeavour to establish a relationship of mutual trust with their client.
10.3 Members' conduct shall be characterized by objectivity, moderation and dignity.
10.4 Members shall carry out their mandate in compliance with the professional standards set forth by this Code of Ethics.
10.5 Members shall exercise high standards of ethical conduct, thus preserving the dignity and integrity of their profession, and promote the professional development of other language professionals.

11. Working Conditions

Members shall always endeavor to secure conditions conducive to the careful performance of their work.

12. Availability and Diligence

12.1 Members shall provide their client with explanations necessary to the understanding and appreciation of the services rendered.
12.2 Members may not unilaterally terminate a mandate unless they have fair and reasonable grounds for doing so, including but not limited to circumstances where:
  • (a) the Member has been misled by his client, or where the client has failed to co-operate or has interfered unduly;
  • (b) the client attempts to induce the Member to commit illegal, unfair, immoral or fraudulent acts;
  • (c) the Member is in a situation of conflict of interest or a situation in which his professional independence could be questioned; or
  • (d) the client refuses to acknowledge an obligation respecting expenses and fees or where, after receiving reasonable advance notice, the client refuses to pay a retainer to the Member.
12.3 Members who terminate a mandate shall take all necessary measures to avoid causing serious, foreseeable injury to their client.

13. Professional Liability

13.1 Members shall accept full responsibility for their work. In the practice of their profession, Members shall assume any and all personal liability associated with their work or conduct. The Association shall not assume any responsibility or liability, of any kind, whatsoever, for a Member's work or conduct. Members are thus prohibited from inserting in a contract for professional services a clause that directly or indirectly excludes all or part of such liability. In the event that any person makes any claims against the Association or its counsel for any damages, costs, expenses, etc., then the Member responsible agrees to fully indemnify and hold harmless the Association and its counsel from any such claim and all associated legal costs.
13.2 Members are encouraged to obtain a professional liability insurance to protect their clients in case of damages resulting from an erroneous translation

14. Fees

14.1 Members shall promptly inform their client of the scope, terms and conditions of the mandate conferred on them, and shall obtain the client's agreement with respect thereto.
14.2 Members shall inform their client of the approximate anticipated cost of their services, except where it may be reasonably assumed that the client has already been so informed.
14.3 Members shall charge fair and reasonable fees for their professional services and take the following factors into account when determining such fees:
  • (a) their experience;
  • (b) the time required to execute the mandate;
  • (c) the complexity of the mandate;
  • (d) the scope of the mandate;
  • (e) the liability assumed; and
  • (f) the need to perform unusual services or services requiring exceptional competence or speed.
14.4 Members may not charge interest on outstanding accounts without first notifying their client.
14.5 Members shall charge only a reasonable rate of interest.

15. Accessibility of Records

Members shall respect their client's right to view any documents concerning the client that are kept in any record created with respect to the client, and to obtain a copy of such documents.

16. Deadlines

Members shall carry out all work within the agreed upon deadline.

Conduct Required of Members in Association with the Public

17. Responsibilities to the Public

17.1 Members shall support every measure likely to improve the quality and availability of professional services in the field in which they practice.
17.2 Members shall help foster public understanding of the nature and objectives of the services they offer.


18. Advertising

18.1 Only Certified Members may use the following terms on business cards, letterhead, professional advertising in general, on publications of which they are the author or translator, or on any other documents:
  • “Certified Member”;
  • “Member of the Canadian Translators, Terminologists and Interpreters Council (by Affiliation)”, and its abbreviated form, “Member of CTTIC (by Affiliation)”;
  • “Certified (Translator, Conference Interpreter, Court Interpreter, Community Interpreter, or Medical Interpreter, Terminologist, where appropriate)(Canada)”, and their abbreviated forms: "C.Tran., Conf. Int., Crt. Int., Com. Int., Med. Int., Term.) (Canada)”.
  • Members shall not use the expression “Certified by CTTIC”, or “Certified Member of CTTIC” or any similar wording suggesting that CTTIC is the certifying body."
Associate members may use the following terms on business cards, letterhead, professional advertising in general, on publications of which they are the author or translator, or on any other documents, according to their association status: “Associate Member” or “Associate (Translator, Conference Interpreter, Court Interpreter, Community Interpreter, or Medical Interpreter).
18.2 The terms “Member”, “Certified Member”, and other titles a Certified Member may use according to Clause 18.1 above, and the term “Associate Member” pertain only to the individual concerned, and shall not be applied to any company or corporation or to the employer of an individual Certified or Associate Member.
18.3 Members' advertising shall in no way discredit either the profession, the ATIA or other Members.
18.4 Members shall not by any means whatsoever engage in, or allow the use of, advertising that is false, misleading, incomplete, or liable to mislead.
18.5 Where Members are not the true owners of a firm employing or including Members, such Members may not allow their names to be used to imply that they are the true owners of such firm.
18.6 Members who advertise their fees shall:
  • (a) specify the nature and scope of the service covered;
  • (b) indicate whether additional services may be required that are not covered; and
  • (c) give those particulars in a manner that can be understood by persons having no particular knowledge of the fields of translation, interpretation or terminology.

19. Use of Logo

Certified Members may use the logo of the Association in their advertising subject to guidelines published and amended from time to time.

Professional Misconduct and Enforcement

20. Professional Misconduct

20.1 The following acts are considered to be professional misconduct and deemed harmful to the dignity and integrity of the ATIA:
  • (a) a Member urging someone repeatedly or in a pressing manner to use his professional services;
  • (b) demanding, offering, promising, accepting or agreeing to accept a sum of money or some benefit for the purpose of causing a procedure or a decision of the Association to be adopted or rejected;
  • (c) charging fees for professional services not rendered; or
  • (d) referring to other Members or non-members in derogatory terms.
20.2 Members should notify the Secretary of the Association in writing of situations where they have reason to believe that another Member has committed professional misconduct or is in contravention of the Code of Ethics. Such notification shall be made within 90 days of the Member becoming aware of the facts that constitute possible misconduct.
20.3 Conduct that may bring the profession into disrepute includes but is not limited to acts in contravention of this Code of Ethics.
20.4 Failure to comply with any of the above may result in disciplinary action, including temporary suspension or expulsion from the Association.

Discipline Committee

21.1 The Discipline Committee is to be established or confirmed at each Annual General Meeting and shall oversee the enforcement of the Code of Ethics. The Discipline Committee may direct the Council of the Association to cancel the membership of a Member where the Member is found to be in contravention of this Code of Ethics.
21.2 The Discipline Committee shall consist of not fewer than 3 Members of the Association appointed by the Council of the Association in accordance with the By-laws of the Association.
21.3 A member of the Discipline Committee may not hold office for more than 6 consecutive years.
21.4 No current member of Council may sit on the Discipline Committee.
The duties of the Discipline Committee shall include:
  • (a) the evaluation of desirable standards of competence of members of the Association generally;
  • (b) the review and investigation of a complaint of professional misconduct made to the Secretary within 30 days of receipt of complaint;
  • (c) the holding of a closed, in camera, hearing as set out herein; and
  • (d) any other matter that the Discipline Committee from time to time considers necessary or appropriate in connection with the exercise of its powers.
23.1 After a review and investigation of a complaint, the Discipline Committee may dismiss a complaint and shall provide written reasons for its decision to the complainant and the Member.
23.2 If, after a review and investigation, the Discipline Committee does not dismiss a complaint, the Discipline Committee shall hold a hearing, on notice to the complainant and the Member thought to be in contravention of the Code of Ethics, on a date not more than 60 days after the date on which the matter is referred to the Discipline Committee.
24.1 The President or other representative of the Association, the complainant, and the Member may appear and be represented by counsel at a hearing before the Discipline Committee.
24.2 The Discipline Committee may also have counsel present at a hearing before the Discipline Committee.
24.3 Each party shall pay his own legal fees and other costs, unless otherwise determined by the Discipline Committee.
Evidence may be given before the Discipline Committee in any manner that the Discipline Committee considers appropriate, and the Discipline Committee is not bound by the rules of law respecting evidence applicable to judicial proceedings
26.1 Upon concluding the hearing, the Discipline Committee shall do the following, within 60 days:
  • (a) submit a written report respecting the hearing and its decision, including any ruling on legal fees or other costs, to the Council of the Association;
  • (b) make a recommendation to the Council; and
  • (c) order the suspension or expulsion of the Member from the Association, where relevant.
26.2 Council shall notify all parties of the decision of the Discipline Committee within 30 days following receipt of such decision.
26.3 Upon the suspension or expulsion of a Member, the Association shall send a letter of publication to every Member of the Association containing the reason for its action.
27.1 The complainant or the Member found to be in violation of the Code of Ethics may appeal to the Council a finding or an order of the Discipline Committee, within 30 days of notification of that decision.
27.2 An appeal should be commenced by written notice of appeal, which shall:
  • (a) describe the finding or order appealed; and
  • (b) state the reasons for the appeal.
The Council shall, within 90 days from the conclusion of all proceedings before it, do all or any of the following:
  • (a) make any finding that in its opinion ought to have been made by the Discipline Committee;
  • (b) quash, vary, or confirm the finding or order of the Discipline Committee or substitute or make a finding or order of its own; or
  • (c) refer the matter back to the Discipline Committee for further consideration in accordance with any direction that the Council may make.
29.1 Following any suspension period, the Member shall agree in writing to adhere to the Association's Code of Ethics and By-Laws.
29.2 A suspended Member shall be responsible for all applicable Association fees during the period of suspension.


Supplemental Code of Ethics for community, conference, court, and medical interpreters

Schedule B

This Schedule shall be effective from the date of its adoption by the Members at a General Meeting (as defined in ATIA’s By-Laws) and shall supersede Schedule X Code of Ethics for community, conference, court, and medical interpreters. “Interpreting” is the transfer of the spoken word from one language into another in such a way as to render faithfully in the target language the message of the source language.  In the case of community, conference, court, and medical interpreters, this activity occurs in unique settings and imposes on those who practice it certain particular obligations. Members of ATIA who are interpreters, whether community, conference, court, or medical interpreters, shall adhere to the By-Laws and Schedule A - Code of Ethics of the Association.  In addition, they shall adhere to the following, as applicable.
1. Objectivity: The interpreter shall always remain neutral, impartial and objective, and shall scrupulously refrain from “altering” or “colouring” the spoken word to the benefit of one party.  Any biased, partial or subjective considerations are to be avoided.
2. Obligations: The interpreter shall render exactly the idea or the meaning behind the words, this fidelity constituting both a moral and legal obligation for the interpreter.  In the case of court interpreters, there are additional legal obligations inherent in the court room setting.
3. Oath Taking: The interpreter is to observe the oath of secrecy and not divulge any information of a confidential nature.  In the case of court interpreters, the interpreter must also be aware of the weight of the oath or declaration he swears in court as well as his role in administering the oath or declaration to be sworn by others in court.
4. Competence: The interpreter shall possess a sound knowledge of the language from which he interprets and, in particular, have mastery of that into which he interprets. He must likewise have a broad general knowledge, be sufficiently familiar with the particular subject matter in question, and refrain from accepting work involving fields beyond his competence.
5. Court Proceedings: A court interpreter must also be knowledgeable of court terminology, procedures and etiquette for the court in which he works.  He shall agree with the court official at the beginning of the proceedings on how the interpretation is to be conducted, where the interpreter is to stand, and which type of interpreting mode is to be used.
6. Requisite Knowledge: Interpreters shall accept only assignments for which they have the requisite knowledge and ability and which they can perform to a high standard. Court, medical or community interpreters shall not accept conference interpreting assignments, unless they are also certified as conference interpreters. In addition, community interpreters shall not accept medical or court interpreting assignments, unless they are also medical or court interpreters. Court interpreters shall not accept medical interpreting assignments, unless they are also medical interpreters. Medical interpreters shall not accept court interpreting assignments, unless they are also court interpreters. However, both court and medical interpreters may accept community interpreting assignments.
7. Fair Practice: The interpreter shall refrain from any unfair practice in carrying out his profession.  In the case of conference interpreters, he shall use good judgment in prescribing a fee for his services, including per diem and travel expenses as required.
8. Remuneration: Conference interpreters who work on the same team should accept work only if each member of the team receives the same remuneration.
9. Compliance: Failure to comply with any of the above may result in temporary suspension or in exclusion from the Association as set out in Sections 20 through 29 of Schedule A – Code of Ethics.