Ola Shekho

Contact Information
Business Name
Source Language Target Language Membership Category Membership Tier
Arabic English Community Interpreter Associate
Accepts Freelance Work?

Associate Community Interpreter
English-Arabic-English ATIA, Alberta

Associate Translator
Arabic- English
ATIO, Ontario

Associate Community Interpreter
ATIO, Ontario

Business: VIVIDITY Translation & Interpretation

My passion for languages started a long time ago. I always enjoyed learning a foreign language and learning more about different cultures and communities. I graduated from Damascus University with a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature. I worked as a contractor in Interpretation and translation with the Ministry of Religious Endowments in Damascus, Syria. I moved to Edmonton, Canada, in 2009 and continued my passion for interpretation and translation. So, I became a certified community Interpreter by CISOC and then a certified English-Arabic translator by the Global Translation Institute. And I succeeded in being an associate community Interpreter at ATIA, the Association of Translators and Interpreters of Alberta. I am also a member of ATIO, Ontario, as a candidate for translation. I have established my business company VIVIDITY. And I made many interpretations and translations. I am happy to help in empowering our communities with mutual understanding.

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