Raj Sandal

Contact Information
Business Name
Sandal Translation Services Ltd.
Source Language Target Language Membership Category Membership Tier
Punjabi English Court Interpreter Certified
English Punjabi Court Interpreter Certified
Hindi English Court Interpreter Certified
English Hindi Court Interpreter Certified
Punjabi English Community Interpreter Certified
English Punjabi Community Interpreter Certified
Hindi English Community Interpreter English
English Hindi Community Interpreter Certified
Accepts Freelance Work?

Certified Court Interpreter PA-EN-PA
Certified Court Interpreter HI-EN-HI
Certified Community Interpreter PA-EN-PA
Certified Community Interpreter HI-EN-HI

Originally from India, I had fourteen years of experience working in Punjabi & Hindi Languages for different Agencies throughout the world. Received certificate of Health Care Interpreter/ Justice Interpreting from Bow Valley College, Calgary AB Working with Alberta Health Services/ Federal & Provincial Courts and RCMP since 2005. Specialty Languages Punjabi/ Hindi to English & vice a versa.

Owner/ Director of Sandal Translation Services Ltd. – Contracted Service provider for WCB Alberta, Office of the Appeals Commission of Alberta, Fair Practice Office of Alberta, Alberta Education, Justice Alberta and Bathnay Care centre etc.

Mentoring Services Offered:
During the weekdays with pre-arranged dates & times only